Reasons for Workflows failing

As I work with workflows I’ll be updating this post as I come across reasons as to why workflows fail to run.

1. Workflow History List Permissions

I’ve recently completed a lengthy approval workflow to which kept failing if an end user created the item, any user in the owners group worked correctly. The users had edit access on the list as well as the tasks list.

I noticed it kept failing at the start of the workflow as I have ‘log to history list’ to help understand where in the workflow I am in case of errors like this, as well as having statuses. I knew for sure users had full edit permissions on the two lists I created however, I didn’t think to check the Workflow History list permissions.

When having ‘log to history list’, users need to be able to edit that list in order for the workflow to log the item to the list which was my issue. I wasn’t using the default members group to group these users, I created my own groups which is why they never had access to that list, giving users access to that list made the approval work as expected.

As the history list is hidden, the easiest way to find this is to type in your SharePoint URLĀ and add /lists/workflow%20history to the end.

An alternative is to look in SharePoint Designer.
2. TBC